What Exactly is a Chatbot

It takes on many names. Chatbot, interactive agent, virtual assistant, and conversational interface are just a few of them. While the names may differ, the sole purpose of these bots remains the same – to answer questions quickly and efficiently. But chatbots are special. Not only are they able to answer questions, but they can do so without the help of a human representative. This frees up valuable time and saves businesses money.
What Exactly is a Chatbot

Why You Should Care

  • The global Chatbot market is expected to grow exponentially between 2016–2023.

  • 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human by 2020.

  • 32% of executives say voice recognition is the most widely used AI technology in their business. 

  • 6 billion connected devices will proactively ask for support by 2018 

  • 44% of executives believe artificial intelligence’s most important benefit is “automated communications that provide data that can be used to make decisions.”

  • By the end of 2018, “customer digital assistants” will recognize customers by face and voice across channels and partners.

  • 40% of mobile interactions will be managed by smart agents by 2020. 

What You Will Learn

  • What are Chatbots

    Recently, new tools designed to simplify the interaction between humans and computers have hit the market: Chatbots. They are some of the industry’s newest tools designed to simplify the interaction between humans and computers.

  • How Businesses Use Chatbots

    Chatbots streamline interactions between people and services, enhancing customer experience. They offer to improve the customers engagement process and operational efficiency by reducing the typical cost of customer service.

  • How To Build a Chatbot

    There are different approaches and tools that you can use to develop a chatbot. Depending on the use case you want to address, some chatbot technologies are more appropriate than others. In this course, we will teach you how to use simple chatbot builders.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

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